Electric InBoard skateboard

Cena: 12 000 

This board is equipped with 2 hub motors which ensure that you get up to 36 km/h. With the Inboard M1 battery you can drive up to 16 km and the battery is removable so you can easily place a new fully charged battery. The Inboard M1 has a high-tech RFLX remote control that controls speed and braking. This remote control can be set to 3 different speed settings, from beginner to pro. This allows you to practice and build up your riding skills. All parts of the Inboard M1 are built into the deck and this give the ultimate stealth look of the board.
The M1 has integrated lights so you also have a good view at night. Inboard has its own app where you can view and set up all data.
The board comes with:
Multi Tool
Battery charger
3 batteries (200 value each)
3 sets of wheels, +1 red (in pictures) never used
Extra deck grip (new)
Travel bag
Extra ball bearings & parts
The board is perfectly functional and is the only electric skateboard that is airline friendly.

Místo prodeje: PoděbradyZměněno: před 3 týdny
Seznam účet založen před rokem 2012
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Electric InBoard skateboard12 000 
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